Prog #183: I’ll Work Off Your Aggression, For Free! (The Aggro Dome)

Case File

The Aggro Dome has been opened to curb the citizens’ more aggressive instincts – but Dredd knows this won’t end well.

Ol’ Stoney Face

Dredd makes a pretty quick and succinct assessment of the new Aggro Dome: “I don’t like this!”. Dredd is assigned to inspect the Dome on its opening day.

Things go predictably downhill super-fast, and Dredd ends up having to literally knock some heads together.

The Big Meg (and Beyond)

Some homes have a “Home Computer Aggro Unit”, which can track the aggression levels of a family as a percentage. The Thatchit’s hit 14% when their Aggro Unit suggests they head to an Aggro Dome.

The Aggro Dome is a large dome (obviously) where citizens can let off steam by punching, shooting and jumping on things – even a huge version of Chief Judge Cal’s face! In a design touch of such subtlety and grace that I almost didn’t see it, the top of the Aggro Dome has an enormous fist on it.

There’s an “Ultra-Violent Room” where particularly nasty pieces of work can go to town on a human-like android.

The Dome is run by Citizen Houston, who ends up a victim of one of the customers when an aggression sessions ends before that particularly citizen has emptied his anger tank. Houston seems to genuinely believe the Dome can do a lot of good for the City by getting read of violent tendencies. And making a whole lot of cash, of course.


The citizen who punches Houston makes a run for it, and after firing wildly manages to start a riot – touching off the powder keg that Dredd knew was coming.

Rap Sheet

It appears that Dredd arrests a sizeable portion of the Aggro Dome’s clientele at the end.


The unnamed citizen who kicks off the chaos is taken down by a Heatseeker from Dredd’s weapon.


Another in the series of “crazy pastimes those Big Meg citizens get up to”, this on just didn’t really hit me (get it?). The idea is fine, but not really crazy or insane enough to have much entertainment value. It all ends pretty predictably as well. A bit of a misfire.

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