Prog #188: Lots of Lovely Bone and Gristle! (Otto Sump’s Ugly Clinic, part 3)

Case File

After facing down a malfunctioning medical droid, Dredd turns his attention to closing down Otto Sump’s Ugly empire.

Ol’ Stoney Face

Dredd is blunt with Otto here, telling him he considers the Ugly Clincs “a positive danger to the health of the community” and wants them closed down. Dredd almost seems morally concerned by Sump’s philosophy, which is a bit odd to say the least. He uses every legal trick he can to shut Sump down.

Dredd is careful to avoid firing around citizens in the hospital while chasing Abe Mantis.

The Big Meg (and Beyond)

The citizens come out strongly against Justice Department’s crackdown on Sump, going so far as to march through the streets in protest.

Dredd’s methods eventually work though, and the ugly craze dies out – except for a select group of the extremely wealthy.

The Law

The Judges demonstrate a considerable amount of power over Mega-City One here, as we see Justice Department Standards Officers review and ban ads for Sump products; crime blitzes on citizens shopping at Ugly Clinics; and most surprisingly being able to levy new taxes with a 1,000 credit “ugly tax” on all of Sump’s products.


The Mantis Brothers are no more, and their bombing campaign is over.

Rap Sheet

Large numbers of citizens are arrested for minor offences during the crime blitzes.


Bim Mantis is sliced and diced by the rampaging robodoc, while the last Mantis brother Abe is taken out by a dodgem bullet from Dredd’s lawgiver.

An unlucky patient is bumped by Bim as he tries to flee and falls out of a very poorly placed window.


Nice wrap-up to a Dredd classic. Dredd’s motivations in coming down so hard on Otto are a little bit unclear, but the “ugly tax” is a masterful move in deviousness, while also demonstrating just how much of a grip the Judges have on the City. A great addition to the world of Dredd.

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