2000AD Sci-Fi Special 1980: And the Butt of My Gun Will Be Upon You! (The Greatest Story Ever Told)

Case File

A cult has sprung up around Mega-City hero Fergee, and Dredd is on hand when they go too far. But is it all just movie trickery?

Friends of Dredd

It’s now a year after Fergee helped Dredd end the terrible reign of Chief Judge Cal, and he’s developed a religious following called Fergites.

Dredd has a partner in this case – Judge Kray. She’s very no-nonsense, and prone to leaping in early with violence.

The Big Meg (and Beyond)

As evidenced by the statues Dredd insisted be constructed after the Cal incident, Fergee is still hugely popular with the citizens.


The cult that “worships” Fergee is actually just using and manipulating his image to prey on citizens. They even threaten to execute someone just to whip the crowd into a frenzy (“Get Heavy with him!”).

They attempt to fight off Dredd and Kray with huge robot versions of Fergee (“hurr, hurrr, hurrrr!”) armed with clubs. They even have buzzing flies around them! But the “flies” are actually Micro-Vid TV cameras, controlled by…

A robot that used to belong to famed movie director Oscar Weiner (The Beasts That Ate the Beasts That Ate Mars). Weiner programmed the robot to create a real-life movie using the Fergee statues and the Judges, before he was taken away as a crazy person.

Block Mania

The Director-Bot is holed up in Cecil B. Demille Block.

Rap Sheet

Weiner’s robot is taken away -after Dredd destroys the film he’s cobbled together. Many of the “Fergites” must also be arrested.


A large stone club takes down a H-wagon, presumably killing the Judges inside. Many citizens and “Fergites” must die as the statues go on a rampage.


I wrote during The Day the Law Died that I wasn’t a huge fan of Fergee, so I’m not hugely sold on his level of fame here. But as an Annual story this is actually one of the best I’ve seen so far. It’s action-packed, well-drawn and fits well within the Dredd world.

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